Customized services

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The power of information at the service of your company

The analysis solutions provided by Veríntel are always tailored, adjusting to the needs, characteristics and circumstances of each client and situation. For each project we join the appropriate international team of experts specialized in the needed sector. This approach lets us offer a wide range of professional services of various kinds. All of them of the highest quality, thanks to being driven by our methodology Verified Intelligence.

Information for Negotiations
Information for Negotiations
Know all the information that your counterpart reserves; their negotiating profile, their real interests, their alternatives.
International asset recovery
International asset recovery
Identify, locate and recover assets of your debtors wherever they are. 

Disloyalty Analysis
Disloyalty Analysis
Background checks and reliability of potential partners, employees and supply chain.

Market surveillance
Market surveillance
Monitor your operating environment, your industry and competitors and protect your sensitive information.
Identification of key contacts
Identification of key contacts
Find and contact the right person. Know their profiles and suitable way of approach.

Exporting and internationalization
Exporting and internationalization
Know the economic, legal and cultural framework of the country or region that you are facing before venturing.


Protection of information
Protection of information
Sensitization of key personnel to prevent leakages. Specific protection measures in sensitive rooms, meetings or calls. Information security audits.
Training Ad Hoc
Training Ad Hoc
We train members of your organization in intelligence analysis or select the profile of analysts you need according to your requirements.